9th June 2007: Commissioned~

There was a scare initially because the rain was pouring, jeopardising the much anticipated parade from going on. But the weather was being kind and everything just flowed through.
This parade was something that everybody has been really looking forward to and it was just unbelievable to have the gallery stands packed up with all of our loved ones. I knew I wouldn't be able to control my emotions and true enough, my tears rolled down my cheeks when my parents and loved ones came in front to me and fix on the officer insignias onto my shoulders. I literally hugged all of them simply because I love them so much and that they witnessed one of my most significant day of my life. I've won the arduous war against my injury and completed this Officer Cadet Course with my head held high.
I saw some of my OCS mates with their grandparents there for them and somehow, it reminded me of how much I would wish for my late grandma to turn up and watch me throw my peak cap. I swear to god I wanted that so much to happen, but it's impossible. I loved her unconditionally and it really hurts me when I saw my friends celebrating with their grandparents. They're really fortunate and I really felt so envious of them. Pictures of her face with her smiling flashed across my mind countless times when I was waiting for the moment to toss my peak cap. I don't know but I could feel her presence at that point of time, that she was there watching over me and I felt a sense of overwhelming warmth and love.
The tossing of peak caps marked the end of the 65/06 Officer Cadet Course. I've reached new heights and have accomplished this much. I've a long way to go and I felt I've grown stronger as a person and in character. I definitely took something out of this 38 weeks and I've discovered more of myself. My commissioning day would definitely etch itself within my memory for a long, long time.
I dedicate my commissioning to my lovely late grandma who have loved and doted me immeasurably.