Sunday, August 19, 2007

Unleashed My Desire

Course After Course
Ever since I commissioned from OCS, I've been going for courses. Though I get to stay-out, I got pretty sick of it. There wasn't much time to do my usual stuff as well. Feeling sulky, I couldn't deny. Finally, I get to return to my unit next Monday, to take a little short break from more courses coming up.

Quite A Weekend
Wanted to go tanning but the weather disappointed the sunshine people. The rainy weather somehow gave a dreamy and lazy feeling. Lazing at home was the easy way out, but I felt a stint of nostalgia. I haven't wet my fishing line for a really long time, so I thought it was time to do what I love most. Picked up the phone, and dialled a couple of my kakis, and off we went. It's jungle fishing, one of which I totally dig into it. The wilderness and serenity of the ambience was priceless. Especially after showers, the greens glossed with impeccable radiance. It was absolutely brilliant! I just felt so good while trekking in, listening to the wonderful sound of nature, and breathing in the freshest of air.

First Fish For My New Camera
For every cast I made, I retrieved my lure with great anticipation of any aggressive bugger who couldn't resist the enticing swimming action of the Duel 3D Minnow. I made countless casts, and it seemed so effortless, because it was so relaxing appreciating the brilliant atmosphere. As dusk fell, the silhouette of the lush surroundings contrasted against the reddish-grey sky with great artistry.

I didn't have to wait too long when a feisty Sebarau (aka Malaysian Jungle Perch) striked my lure with gusto and full commitment. Known for its aggressiveness and sudden strikes, this Sebarau gave nothing short of a thrilling fight, pulling hard and defying physics. Once the fish was up, out came the camera and after a few quick clicks, I released the fish safely back into the deep. The satisfaction of seeing a fish being released unharmed and back into the deep was as refreshing as ever.

Rainy Sunday
Woke up and the sunlight shining through my windows was promising, so I packed my stuff and headed for soccer with my mates. Rain came pouring after a couple of matches, and we were all running for shelter. I was like 'Aw man, it just couldn't get more disappointing than this!'

We waited and soon after, there weren't anymore raindrops, so we starting kicking the ball again. It was wet and slippery, but helluva fun! We were laughing and all, people slipping and falling. It was nice to see everyone enjoying and laughing. A second wave of rainfall came and we decided to call it a day.

It was quite a weekend, comparing to the many dull previous ones. I must be smiling, am I? ~Laughs~

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