Monday, April 14, 2008

Pack Up & Go

After A Tropical Storm
I finally have the breathing space to sit down in front of my screen, feeling comfortable and relaxed enough to write again. There has been so much things going on for the past few months and there were some painful moments as well as some really nice ones...

To the people who have read and made comments on my pervious post especially, I am somehow glad that you guys actually spent your precious time and read it, and there are actually a couple of you guys out there whom I don't know yet left comments for me. Thanks for trying to encourage me but I must admit that there were quite a few specifics that I didn't talk about (or reveal). So it's not so much about having to suck my thumb when it was time to go back into camp. I'm fine with that. However, I'm sure everyone else have got their very own private life and personal issues that matter the most, and that is what I meant (and was going through). I can not say I have resolved them entirely, but I'm more than confident that I'll get them zipped up and dusted.

I must emphasize strongly that I'm not losing any battle, nor am I losing my vision of what I would want to do after finishing my national service. I am, in fact, very excited and very much looking forward to life after national service. I'm less than one month away from my ORD date (6th May to be exact) and my Maldives trip will be on the 11th May. It's going to be a 9-day long sport fishing expedition, registering Maldives as my first stop to my Worldwide Sport Fishing Expedition that I have had in mind for a long time.

I have also registered a place in the University of Queensland to further my expertise on my current education. The Bachelor of Applied Science (Plants) is what I'm going for, and it'll take me one year for completion. Quite an express and thus, more favourable to me. I'll be flying off in this coming July, with lots of anticipation and excitement. People tell me Queensland is boring place. Well, perhaps for the majority who want the usual entertainment and night life. To me, it's fishing paradise and a top destination for any anglers I must say! Hopefully I can spend some quality time casting lures and catching the amazingly wide variety of sport fishes there. But I'll have problems with transportation to get me deep to those remote spots and I'll also have problems taking good pictures whenever I land a fish because I'm pretty certain my future room mates wouldn't be interested in fishing and I'll be all alone whenever I fish.

Nevertheless, I'm so pleased that I'll be heading over to Australia and I'm just going to do all these worrying when I get there. So it's going to be studies and sport fishing as my two main priorities when I'm over there.

Pack Up & Go
With my national service liability coming to an end soon, and my maldives trip within reaching distance, there'll be a lot of packing up to do. And ultimately, I'll be leaving for Australia in July, so whatever that's left dangling here must be dissolved with sheer resolution. Loose ends, there will never be. The pain will obliterate, and the sun'll shine. Everything's nearing and I can smell the salt crystals of the bluewaters of Maldives. The time has come for me to pack up and go...

Acknowledgement: Courtesy of my good mate Wendy Tan who shot this picture (and edited by the author).

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